Investment Support
Getting the right story across to investors, whether in your pitch deck or crowdfunding pitch page, is crucial to fundraising.
the importance of storytelling
Looking to raise investment from business angels, VCs, or through crowdfunding? Storytelling – getting your message across clearly and touching your audience’s hearts – is absolutely vital for fundraising.
If you can’t tell the story of your own company, investors won’t trust you have the skills to make your business succeed. And they will ultimately be hard-pressed to invest.
I work with startup founders to create a winning story that they can then use in their pitch deck or crowdfunding pitch page, as well as other fundraising assets such as videos, emails, and more.

We'll uncover and develop:

- The problem you’re solving
- Your solution and why it’s the best
- The gap you are filling in the competitive landscape
- Your go-to-market strategy
- Your traction/milestones and roadmap
- Your financing needs and use of funds
- Why your team is the winning team
- And more!

I’ve supported over 70 entrepreneurs with their storytelling and pitches, helping them raise millions of euros to propel their businesses. I’ve also raised financing from angel investors and government funds for my own startup, and led an equity crowdfunding project that reached 150% of its 1M euro target. I have been through the process first-hand and can help you do it too.
what others say
“At Demium, Priscilla was crucial in getting our startups pitch-ready for Demo Day, and ultimately helping them raise seed financing from investors.
She has an ability to quickly understand what the messaging should be, and present it in a way that sells.”
– Alfredo Ouro